To strengthen its certification capabilities, the CAAC has restructured its certification offices into areas of specialization.


From now onwards, the Engine Certification Center of CAAC will lead and manage the organization under its new name, the "Certification Center of CAAC."


According to the center¡¯s Director General, Xu Chaoqun, the new organization is responsible for conducting certification for all civil aviation products, and offering relevant technical support.


The new Certification Center will set up a branch in Xi¡¯an named Xi¡¯an Aircraft Certification Center of CAAC, and it will also be responsible for managing the Shanghai Aircraft Certification and Shenyang Aircraft Certification Centers. Following the restructuring, the Shanghai Certification Center will engage in certification of turbofan aircraft, and Shenyang for small aircraft and rotorcraft.


The new Certification Center is an important step for CAAC to implement the State Council¡¯s certification policy. It will manage professional, technology and human resources to conduct airworthiness certification of the C919 MA700, AG600 and other types as well as other aviation products.


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